تعلن الشركة السعودية لإعادة التأمين (إعادة) عن توقيع إتفاقية تملك أسهم مع شركة بروبيتاز برمودا القابضة بغرض تملّك 4..9.9% من أسهم الشركة

.9.9% من أسهم الشركة إلحاقاً لإعلان الشركة بتاريخ 13-07-2017م ، تعلن الشركة عن توقيع إتفاقية تملك أسهم مع شركة بروبيتاز برمودا القابضة تمكن الشركة من تملّك ما نسبته 49.9 في المائة من الأسهم العادية لشركة بروبيتاز برمودا القابضة ، وهي شركة ذات مسئولية محدودة غير مدرجة مسجلة في برمودا ، ويتركز نشاطها في الاستثمار في […]

Saudi Re Rating

Standard and Poor’s (S&P) affirmed the ratings on Saudi Re at “BBB+” global scale and “gcAA+” regional scale. The outlook remains stable and reflects S&P opinion that Saudi Re’s capital adequacy will not further reduce and will remain at an extremely strong level, supported by more profitable growth over the next two years.

Saudi Re Rating (2)

Standard and Poor’s (S&P) affirmed the ratings on Saudi Re at “BBB+” global scale and “gcAA+” regional scale. The outlook remains stable and reflects S&P opinion that Saudi Re’s capital adequacy will not further reduce and will remain at an extremely strong level, supported by more profitable growth over the next two years.

Saudi Re conducts a workshop on “Engineering Underwriting”

Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re’’ has organized a workshop on ‘’Engineering Insurance Underwriting‘’ which was attended by a number of insurance professionals from insurance companies operating in Saudi Arabia. The workshop addressed the developments in the Saudi engineering market which premiums exceed 1 billion riyals. The workshop also covered the technical aspects of underwriting engineering insurance policies including Contractors’ All Risks (CAR), Erection All Risks (EAR) Advanced Loss of Profit (ALOP), Machinery Breakdown (MB), and Electronic Equipment (EEI).

Saudi Re effectue un atelier sur “Underwriting Engineering”

Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re’’ has organized a workshop on ‘’Engineering Insurance Underwriting‘’ which was attended by a number of insurance professionals from insurance companies operating in Saudi Arabia. The workshop addressed the developments in the Saudi engineering market which premiums exceed 1 billion riyals. The workshop also covered the technical aspects of underwriting engineering insurance policies including Contractors’ All Risks (CAR), Erection All Risks (EAR) Advanced Loss of Profit (ALOP), Machinery Breakdown (MB), and Electronic Equipment (EEI).