Our Business
We at Saudi Re see big opportunities driven by growing risk pools around the world and significant shifts in demographics. At the same time, we’re convinced that technology will fundamentally change the re/insurance value chain. So we’re applying our risk knowledge, partnering with our clients and harnessing technology to develop solutions that support them.
Lines Of Business
We are broadly diversified both geographically and in terms of offered products. Through our global reach, our clients can benefit from our ability to aggregate information across markets and share those insights.
Specialty (Lloyd's Market)
Saudi Re writes specialty business from Lloyds market through providing third party capital. Saudi Re also provides financial lines, surety bonds and credit insurance products.
Saudi Re has a specialized team for Life and with experience in treaty and facultative reinsurance solutions on proportional and non-proportional basis on life risks including group term life, group credit life and personal accident protection against unforeseen events in the case of death or Permanent Total / Partial disability.
Treaty reinsurance converge on proportional and non-proportional basis that provides healthcare covering outpatient as well as inpatient services, including the expenses of medical examination, diagnosis, medical treatment, medicines, vaccination, pregnancy and maternity.
Inherent Defects Insurance (IDI)
Saudi Re has a devoted team for Inherent Defects Insurance in treaty and facultative reinsurance solutions that provides the insurer of a building with a 10-year cover of material damage (not limited to partial or total collapse) to premises caused by an inherent defect in design or workmanship or material which was undiscovered at the date of practical completion of the works and which affects structural works, including external walls and roofs, or waterproofing of roofs and facades works.
General Accidents
Saudi Re underwriting team has deep experience in treaty and facultative reinsurance solutions on proportional and non-proportional basis on liability risks including General Third Party Liability, Medical Malpractice, Product Liability, Professional Indemnity & Directors and Officers Liability.
reinsurance solutions on commercial and provide motor insurance risks on treaty and facultative both proportional and non-proportional basis.
Treaty and facultative reinsurance solutions on marine risks on proportional and non-proportional basis for hull and cargo.
Saudi Re is an active reinsurer that provides both treaty and facultative reinsurance solutions on proportional and non-proportional basis on property risks with various covers including Property All Risks, Business Interruption, Industrial All Risk and Fire & Allied Perils. Our experienced team provides clients with technical expertise & reinsurance capacity for diverse range of risks from simple property risks to more complex and large industrial risks.
Treaty and facultative reinsurance solutions on proportional and non-proportional basis on engineering risks including Projects covers such as contractor’s all risks (CAR), and annual covers such us erection all risks (EAR), contractor’s plant & equipment, electronic equipment (EEI), machinery breakdown (MB)
Treaty and facultative reinsurance solutions on renewable energy, power generation plants, and onshore downstream risk, both proportional and non-proportional.

As part of our effort to maximize client value by providing a superior level of customer service, we at Saudi Re streamline the claims process to increase the client’s satisfaction and put in place processes to ensure that clients are managed fairly with efficiency and timeliness to achieve higher customer satisfaction.