Moody’s Affirms Saudi Re’s IFSR at A3 with Stable Outlook

Saudi Reinsurance Company (Saudi Re) announced that Moody’s Investors Service, a global credit rating agency, has affirmed its A3 Insurance Financial Strength Rating (IFSR) and national scale IFSR with a Stable Outlook. In a statement to the Saudi Exchange (Tadawul), Saudi Re said that the ratings confirm its strong brand and market position in […]

Saudi Re Receives SAMA Approval to Increase Capital to SR 1,336.5 Million

Saudi Re announces receiving Saudi Central Bank approval on 24/10/1443H corresponding to 25/05/2022 to increase the company’s capital from 891 Million SAR to 1,336.5 Million SAR by Offering Rights Issue, provided that the company fulfills all the requirements of other official authorities. Note that the approval is valid for one year from its date to […]

Saudi Re Receives SAMA Approval to Increase Capital to SR 1,336.5 Million

Saudi Re announces receiving Saudi Central Bank approval on 24/10/1443H corresponding to 25/05/2022 to increase the company’s capital from 891 Million SAR to 1,336.5 Million SAR by Offering Rights Issue, provided that the company fulfills all the requirements of other official authorities. Note that the approval is valid for one year from its date to […]

Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” invites its shareholders to attend the General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) by means of modern technology

The Board of Directors of the Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” is pleased to invite the honorable shareholders to attend the General Assembly meeting which will be held virtually through the modern technology means via ( scheduled 19:00 on Wednesday 10/10/1443H corresponding to 11/05/2022, City and Location of the General Assembly’s Meeting: Kingdom of Saudi […]

Saudi Re announces board Recommendation to increase capital by offering rights issue

Saudi Reinsurance Company (Saudi Re), listed on the Saudi Exchange (Tadawul), announced on April 6, 2022 that the board of directors recommended increasing the company’s capital by 50% through a rights issue. The SR 445.5 million rights issue will increase the capital from SR 891 million to SR 1.336 billion. Accordingly, the number of shares […]

Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” invites its shareholders to attend the General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) by means of modern technology

The Board of Directors of the Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” is pleased to invite the honorable shareholders to attend the General Assembly meeting which will be held virtually through the modern technology means via ( link , scheduled 18:30 on Thursday 23/07/1443H corresponding to 24/02/2022, in line with the preventive and precautionary efforts and […]

إعادة راعِ بلاتيني لــندوة التأمين السعودي السادسة

أعلنت الشركة السعودية لإعادة التأمين «إعادة»، عن مشاركتها كراعٍ بلاتيني لـ«ندوة التأمين السعودي السادسة»،التي تنظمها لجنة التأمين السعودي تحت رعاية البنك الركزي السعودي  ، يومي 28 و29 سبتبمر2022، تحت شعار “نمو وتطور”، حيث تعد  الندوة أهم حدث يجمع المختصين والمهتمين في قطاع التأمين في المملكة. وتعليقا على المشاركة، قال العضو المنتدب والرئيس التنفيذي للشركة السعودية […]

Saudi Re announces the receipt of the Shariyah Review Report from its Shariyah advisor

Saudi Re announces that it has received the annual Shariyah Audit Report for the year 2020 from its Shariyah Advisor on 03/08/2021. The report, reference SRE-683-03-01-03-21, contains the Shariyah approval from the Shariyah Advisor, the Shariyah Review Bureau (SRB), in line with the prior years’ reviews, on the following functions: 1. Separation of Accounts (Shareholder […]