Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” Announces Calling Candidature for Board Members Elections for the upcoming term

Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” Announces Calling Candidature for Board Members Elections for the upcoming term

Saudi Reinsurance Company (Saudi Re) announces to its shareholders the opening of the nomination for membership of the Board of Directors of the company for the next three-year period beginning on 21/10/1444 H corresponding to 11/05/2023 and ending on 23/11/1447 H corresponding to 10/05/2026.

for those who have the conditions and qualifications of membership system and in accordance with the conditions, controls and requirements contained in the statutory provisions, especially the Companies Law issued by the Ministry of Commerce, and the Corporate Governance Regulations issued by the Capital Market Authority, the instructions issued by the Saudi Central Bank and the requirements for appointment to leadership positions in financial institutions subject to the supervision of the Saudi Central Bank well as the Corporate governance issued by SAMA, as well as the policy, criteria and procedures for nomination to the Board of Directors of the Company, as well as the regulations applicable to the appointment of directors.

Type of Assembly:     

New Term

Term Start Date:        

2023-05-11 Corresponding to 1444-10-21

Term End Date          

2026-05-10 Corresponding to 1447-11-23

Number of members


Application Start Date:

03/06/1444 H Corresponding to 27/12/2022

Application End Date:

04/07/1444 H Corresponding to 26/01/2023

Applications Submission Method:

  • By hand at Saudi Re’s HQ at the following address:

 4130 North Ring Rd, Al Wadi Dist, Riyadh 13313 – 6684, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia.

2- Via email at:


For any further questions or inquiries, please contact the Investor Relations Department at:


– Phone: +966-11-510-2000 Ext 181


– E-mail:

Nomination Criteria and Conditions:

  1. Each shareholder shall be entitled to nominate his / herself to the membership of the Board.
  2. The candidate has the necessary scientific and practical experience, especially in leading a listed company and specializing in insurance and reinsurance or in the investment sector, in addition to honesty, integrity, sincerity and administrative skills that contribute to strengthening the leadership role of the company.
  3. The candidate should not be a member of the board of directors of more than five joint-stock companies listed in the Saudi market
  4. The candidate should not have been previously convicted by a judicial ruling or a crime involving moral turpitude or dishonesty.
  5. The candidate should not be insolvent or bankrupt.
  6. The candidate should not be a member of the board of directors or a member of a sub-committee or hold a leadership position in another Saudi insurance and/or reinsurance company
  7. The candidate should not conduct a violation in the financial markets or business
  8. The candidate should have scientific and practical experience.
  9. The candidate must comply with the provisions of the applicable laws, regulations and instructions.
  10. The candidate is committed to allocating enough and appropriate time to carry out his specialization and duties towards membership.
  11. The candidate has independence and the ability to make decisions.
  12. The nominee has no conflict of interests..
  13. Integration of the candidate’s experiences with the experiences of the rest of the council members.
  14. If his candidacy conflicts with the availability of the minimum number of independent members determined by the laws and regulations.


Nomination Requirements:


All forms must be filled in both (PDF-WORD) in order to comply with the statutory requirements, knowing that any application for candidacy that does not complete the following requirements will be excluded:


  1. Completing and signing the nomination form in Arabic and English by the candidate and filling the attached tables, taking into account the periods and times stipulated in the company’s announcement, regulations, regulations, circulars and related decisions.
  2. Fill the fit and proper application form in Arabic or English in both Word & PDF format
  3. Fill out Disclosure Form No. (3) in Arabic or English in both Word & PDF format
  • The required forms can be obtained in Word & PDF format through the following link:

  1. Attaching the Resume, qualifications, previous and current experience in both Arabic and English.
  2. Attach a clear copy of the ID (Passport, National ID, GCC ID, Resident ID), contact information of the candidate, proof of address / national address and e-mail address.
  3. A statement of the companies or institutions in which the candidate participates in the management or ownership of the company and conducts business similar to insurance or Re-insurance business or has contracts or common interests with the company in Arabic and English.
  4. If the candidate is elected to the Board of Directors, the candidate shall submit the required disclosures in accordance with that the Conflicts Interests Policy of the members of the Board of Directors and the members of the Board Committees.
  5. In the case of the interests of the candidate or the representative directly or indirectly with the company, he must provide a detailed statement in addition to any information related to any contract to which the company is a party and the candidate has a fundamental interest or any person related to him or if he participates in an action that would compete with the company in its works.

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