Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” announces the start date of the electronic voting on the items of the General Assembly Meeting

Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” announces the start date of the electronic voting on the items of the General Assembly Meeting

The Board of Directors of the Saudi Reinsurance Company “Saudi Re” is pleased to announce to its shareholders the start date of the electronic voting on the items of the Ordinary General Assembly meeting which will be held at 19:00 on Wednesday 10/10/1443H corresponding to 11/05/2022 In the interest of the safety of dealers in the financial market and in support of the preventive and precautionary efforts and measures by the relevant health authorities to address the Corona virus (COVID-19), and as an extension of the continuous efforts made by all government agencies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in taking the necessary preventive measures to prevent its spread, it has been sufficient by holding the ordinary general assembly meeting via the means of modern technology remotely and suspending it in attendance. Accordingly, registration and attendance in the assembly will be restricted to entering into a deliberative system, and voting on the assembly’s items will be limited only to electronic voting.
Electronic voting will be available for shareholders registered in the (Tadawulaty) services website, starting from 10 a.m. on Saturday 06/10/1443H corresponding to 07/05/2022 and will continue until the end of the General Assembly on Wednesday 10/10/1443H corresponding to 11/05/2022., noting that the registration on the Tadawulaty Services website Available on the link and voting is available free of charge to all contributors.
For any further questions and inquiries, please contact the Investor Relations Department at:
E-mail:, Phone: +966-11-510-2000 Ext. 181.

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